Pathos Project

Yuri Maricich M.D., Founder/Executive Director of Pathos Project

Yuri Maricich M.D.Prior to completing medical school at the University of Washington School of Medicine, Yuri graduated from the University of Notre Dame in 2003 with a BA in philosophy and a science degree. In addition to directing MRSI and the Pathos Project which he co-founded with Keri Oxley in 2005 he is continuing his training at Harvard.


In addition to maintaining his study of philosophy and medical ethics on the side, he served as his medical school’s class representative to the American Medical Association and served as a trustee member of the Washington State Medical Association Board of Trustees from 2005-2007.  Through his Pathos Project research he is a published author and frequent public speaker.


He founded Clinixis Health Systems (, a health IT company while in medical school and works as a medical/business consultant for multiple clients. He has been involved in breast cancer research for the several years and has done laboratory research in immunology for the Corixa Corporation.


Keri Oxley, co-founder and deputy director of Pathos Project

Keri Oxley

Presently in her 4th year of medical studies at Yale School of Medicine, Keri is also receiving a joint-degree from Harvard University’s Kennedy School of Government under the Zuckerman Fellowship. Keri graduated from the University of Notre Dame in 2004 with a BA in Philosophy and a science degree. Keri was nominated in 2005 to serve as a member of the Board of Trustees for the University of Notre Dame, where she has served for two years.


Keri has initiated international healthcare work, public health initiatives and social-science research in India, Thailand, Honduras, and Mexico. Her more transforming moments on the meaning of the doctor-patient relationship occurred amidst her many service-focused journeys to Mother Teresa’s Home for the Dying in Kolkata, India. Keri was a main session presenter at India’s first National Bioethics Conference in Mumbai, where she spoke on Informed Consent in the Indian Context. Keri has continued her interest in medical ethics through the Yale Research Ethics Workgroup on HIV vaccine trials, under the direction of Dr. Robert Levine, chairperson of the Yale Interdisciplinary Bioethics Project. Under Dr. Levine’s mentorship, Keri anticipates her Yale thesis to be on international research ethics and the perceptions of the principle of autonomy, as it pertains to informed consent, in developing countries.


Keri co-founded MRSI and the Pathos Project with Yuri Maricich in 2005.


Antonio Salud II, M.D., M.A., Executive Counsel and Director of PPUP

Antonio Salud

Dr. Salud is a Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine physician who is currently working as an intensivist/pulmonologist for Madison Medical Associates, Inc. in the Columbia-St. Mary's Community located in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.  He was recently appointed as an Assistant Clinical Professor of Medicine in Pulmonary Medicine & Critical Care and Population Health - Bioethics in the Medical College of Wisconsin where he also received his Medical Degree as well as his Masters Degree in the Philosophy of Biomedical Ethics.  He finished his fellowship, residency, and internship at the University of Utah Affiliated Hospitals in Salt Lake City, UT.  Dr. Salud is IHC Institute for Health Care Delivery Research and Medical College of Wisconsin trained.  Dr. Salud also completed his undergraduate degree at the University of Notre Dame in South Bend IN receiving a Bachelor of Arts in Theology and Pre-medicine.  He recently published a chapter with Lisa Gabbert, Phd titled "On Slanderous Words and Bodies Out-of-Control: Hospital Humor and the Medical Carnivalesque" being used in the Pathos Project.


© 2008 Pathos Project                     4616 15th Ave NE, #554 Seattle, WA 98105 |