Pathos Project

Over the past year, the Pathos Project has insightful and highly regarded physicians, ethicists, and scholars provide invaluable direction on the state of medicine and methods of promoting personalism within the doctor-patient relationship and medical culture. These experts convene for discussions and as well as guidance on tangible ways to affect change in our current medical culture. Acknowledging the expertise of this group, we are in regular contact with our Advisory Council for counsel on our publications and projects. The constituents’ breath of experiences – academic, leadership, and clinical – have added profound perspicacity and perspective to our pursuits, for which we are most grateful.

The members of the Pathos Project Advisory Committee are:

Edmund Pellegrino MD
Daniel Sulmasy MD PhD
Lynn Jansen RN PhD
James Giordano PhD
Robert Spitzer S.J. PhD

Edmund Pellegrino MD, Chairperson, President’s Council on Bioethics


Dr. Pellegrino is a member of the National Academy of Sciences Institute of Medicine and the Professor Emeritus of Medicine and Medical Ethics and at Georgetown University.

He has served as Director of the Center for Clinical Bioethics at Georgetown University; head of the Kennedy Institute of Ethics and director of the Center for the Advanced Study of Ethics at Georgetown; President and Chairman of the Yale-New Haven Medical Center; Chancellor and Vice President of Health Affairs at the University of Tennessee; founding Chairman of the Department of Medicine at the University of Kentucky; and Founding Director and Vice President of the Health Sciences Center, State University of New York, Stony Brook, where he oversaw six schools of health sciences and the hospital, and served as Health Affairs Dean of the School of Medicine.


He has authored or co-authored 24 books and more than 550 published articles; is founding editor of the Journal of Medicine and Philosophy; a Master of the American College of Physicians; Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science; member of the Institute of Medicine of the National Academy of Sciences; recipient of a number of honorary doctorates; and a recipient of the Benjamin Rush Award from the American Medical Association, and the Abraham Flexner Award of the Association of American Medical Colleges.


In 2004, Pellegrino was named to the International Bioethics Committee of the United Nations Education, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), which is the only advisory body within the United Nations system to engage in reflection on the ethical implications of advances in life sciences.


Daniel Sulmasy MD PhD, Chair in Ethics at SVMC New York


Dr. Sulmasy, holds the Chair in Ethics at St. Vincent's Hospital--Manhattan and serves as Professor of Medicine and Director of the Bioethics Institute of New York Medical College, Valhalla, NY. He received his B.A. and M.D. degrees from Cornell University and completed his residency, chief residency, and post-doctoral fellowship in General Internal Medicine at the Johns Hopkins Hospital. He received his Ph.D. in philosophy from Georgetown University in 1995. He serves as Editor-in-Chief of the journal, Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics, and his publications include: The Healer’s Calling (1997), Methods in Medical Ethics (2001), The Rebirth of the Clinic (2006). His numerous articles have appeared in medical, philosophical, and theological journals and he has lectured widely both in the U.S. and abroad.


Lynn Jansen RN PhD, Senior Medical Ethicist SVMC


Dr. Jansen studied political theory at Columbia University where she earned her Ph.D. in 1997. She completed her post-doctoral training in clinical medical ethics at the University of Chicago (2000). She is also a Registered Nurse with nearly twenty years of clinical experience. Dr. Jansen is a Senior Medical Ethicist at the John J. Conley Department of Ethics at St. Vincent’s Manhattan, and is a member of the Ethics Committee at the NY Foundling Hospital in NYC. She has published articles on ethical issues in palliative medicine, medical genetics and pediatrics.


Robert Spitzer S.J. PhD, President, Gonzaga University


Robert Spitzer Ph.D. wears many hats. He is a Jesuit priest, the president of Gonzaga University, an author, speaker, teacher, and a participant in community affairs. His fresh and innovative approach stems from his diverse areas of interest: public accounting, finance, theology, physics, metaphysics, ethics, and, of course, Gonzaga!

With his previous experience as Professor of Business Ethics and Director of the Institute of Professional Ethics at Seattle University, he has worked in an advisory role with over 300 companies such as Boeing, Toyota, Costco, and Caterpillar.

Spitzer averages 130 major business and public presentations per year, including: Tony Blair's Cabinet in London, officials of the Russian Orthodox Church, leaders of both sides of the Northern Ireland conflict, and to members of the current leadership in Costa Rica.


James Giordano PhD, Associate Professor, Georgetown University


Dr. James Giordano is Scholar in Residence at the Center for Clinical Bioethics at Georgetown University Medical Center, working upon issues in the neuroethics of brain research and clinical pain medicine, and the philosophic and ethical basis of pain management and integrative medicine. In addition, Dr. Giordano is Visiting Professor in Neuroethics at the Instituto Trentino di Cultura (Institute of Culture, Philosophy and Medicine) in Trento, Italy and is Invited Lecturer of the Arts and Sciences Roundtable at Harris-Manchester College, University of Oxford (UK). Dr. Giordano was the 2004 recipient of the American Academy of Pain Management Richard Weiner Award in Medical Education, the 2005 William Hershel Medal for Bioemedical Education and Research Achievement, and the Manchikanti Distinguished Lectureship of the American Society of interventional Pain Physicians.


A Fellow of the John P. McGovern Center for Health, Humanities and the Human Spirit at the University of Texas Health Sciences Center, Houston, TX and an American Psychological Association Visiting Fellow at the Massachusetts General Hospital/ Harvard Medical School, Dr. Giordano is the Deputy Editor in Chief of the Pain Physician journal, ethics' section editor for the American Journal of Pain Management, etihcs' editor of Practical Pain Managment, and Associate Editor in neurosciences and bioethics for Forschende Komplementarmedizin. He is the author of over 60 peer-reviewed papers, and is editor/author of the forthcoming books: Maldynia-Interdisciplinary Perspectives on the Illness of Chronic Pain (Taylor-Francis, 2007), Dimensions of Pain: A Biopsychosocial Approach (Informa, 2007), and with Bert Gordijn, Neuroethics: Bridging Science, Philosophy and Ethics (Cambridge University Press, 2008).



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